Immaculate Conception Church
Ewa, Hawaii
Immaculate Conception
Parish Pastoral Council
New Pastoral Council Members
Pictured above: front row: Charlene Richardson, Philip Malasig and Kathyrine Cabalar
Back row: Normand Robert; Manuel (Manny) Meno; RJ Juanillo; Dn. Jonathan Ocampo and Robert Thomas
Manuel (Manny) Meno
Mr. Manny Meno, a former career Army logistics officer, moved to Ewa Beach in June 2016 after retiring from the United States Army, Pacific (USARPAC) at Fort Shafter. Born, raised and educated in Guam, he grew up in a Catholic home where his strong ties to the faith began. Saying the Nine nights of Novena yearly in July, serving as an altar boy at the village church, and receiving five of the seven sacraments before departing the island in 1988 has strengthened his beliefs and practice as a Christian. Throughout his years of service in the military, he and his family have continued to devote their time in practicing their faith at 13 different churches and parishes during their assignments. Manny served in the Knights of Columbus, was a Eucharistic Minister, and as a family unity they devoted volunteer time to running the Hospitality Ministry as part of their children's Confirmation Sacrament community service in South Korea. Life after the military is a significant adjustment and finding Immaculate Conception Ewa was a blessing where he and his wife Lucille felt a warm welcome at their first mass and where they will continue to devote their time in serving the parish.
Manny has a bachelor's degree in Business Management from the University of Guam and a master's degree in Business Administration from Webster University. In his spare time, Manny enjoys travelling, hiking, and a variety of water activities in Hawaii. He is married to Lucille and they have two children.
Robert Thomas
Hello! my name is Robert Thomas.
I originally hail from St. Paul Minnesota. After graduating from high school. I entered the U.S. Air Force and trained as an Air Transportation Specialist. During my enlistment, I was fortunate to spend over 20 years in the Pacific with tours in Okinawa, Guam, and Hawaii. We moved to Ewa Beach in 2004 upon receiving an assignment to Hickam Air Force Base. I retired from the Air Force in 2010 following a 2-year assignment to McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey.
I've been married to my wife, Bunthing, for 21 years. We have a daughter, Aleesha, who is a sophomore at Campbell High School.
We originally attended Prince of Peace Church at Hickam and transferred to Immaculate Conception Church in 2015. I was active in the Knights of Columbus at Prince of Peace and hope to be at ICC if/when my duty schedule allows.
I look forward to working with you and my fellow parish council members in accomplishing the goals of ICC's Pastoral Plan.
Charlene Richardson
Charlene Richardon has been serving the ICC for over 20+ years. She is directly involved with the Finance, Lector, Building, Fundraising and CCD ministries. Additionally, she has put together banners and chasubles for various serving Priests of our Parish.
She is a "daughter of Ewa", born and raised in Fernandez Village, attended Ewa Elementary & Intermediate School and graduated from James Campbell High School in Ewa Beach. She attended college at Ottumwa Heights in Iowa with the Sisters of the Humility of Mary/Jesuits as educators and graduated from Chaminade University of Honolulu. She is presently employed with the U.S. Government as an Environmental Protection Specialist involved in all the parameters of Environmental Protection/Compliance. She is also serving as an ad-hoc member/advisor for the Old Ewa Villages Community Association now known as the Verona Village Improvement Association. She remains committed to ensuring that Tenants of Record of the Sugar Plantation get a "fair and equitable" opportunity to purchase homes in this Village.
Kathyrine Cabalar
Aloha! My name is Kathyrine Cabalar (Kat), I am currently a junior at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa and I've been a member of this parish since 2010. I've been a Catholic all my life, but growing up, I was never really knowledgeable in this religion nor did I feel rooted enough in it to learn. This changed in 2013 when I participated in my first Couples for Christ-Youth Ministry Retreat, which sparked the fire in me that fuels the love and passion I have for this faith today. I am now one of the heads for the young adult ministry under the Couples for Christ community as well as a catechist for the high school Confirmation candidates, a Lector, and a Eucharistic Minister here at Immaculate Conception. This church has become a home for me and I am incredibly honored and excited to continue serving God and this community.
RJ Juanillo
"Aloha! My name is Rolando Juanillo (RJ). I have been married to my wife Estrella Juanillo (Ella) for 20 years and we have 2 married daughters; Liza Barron (Daniel) and Angelica Bautista (Michael) and 2 Grandsons; Braden & Tracen Barron.
I was born and raised in Nueva Ecina, Philippines. I attended Our Lady of Sacred Hearts Academy and studied at Feati University for Aircraft Maintenance (Manila, Philippines). I was fortunate to join the United States Navy at Sangley Point, Cavite, Philippines and left for San Diego, California for boot camp in September 1967. After 3 years of training for steward apprenticeship I crossed trained as a aviation support mechanic and was assigned to various duty stations; USS Independence CV-62, VAQ-1 homported in Guam, Texas, San Diego, Hawaii VP-1, Cubi Point (Subic Bay Philippines) and deployed in Da Nang, Vietnam in 1971. After 24 years in service we cam back to Hawaii to raise our family and I continued working at NAVFAC in Pearl Harbor and retired in 2010.
We have been a parishioner at Immaculate Conception Church since 2014. I serve in the Eucharistic Ministry and currently I am the Grand Knight for Council 6734 of Immaculate Conception Church and District Deputy for District 3 (Our Lady of Sorrows, Immaculate Conception, St. John the Apostles, St. John the Baptist and St. Michael).
I look forward to working with you and my fellow PCC team in accomplishing the goals and mission for ICC.
Vivat Jesus!
Philip Malasig
My name is Philip Malasig. I have been a parishioner of Immaculate Conception Church since we moved to Ewa in 1996. I am incredibly grateful to my parents, Jaime and Sandra Malasig, who instilled the Catholic faith in me at an early age. I have two siblings, Jaime Malasig III and Chelsea Espiritua. Immaculate Conception Church holds an extraordinary place in my heart. My family has two generations worth of memories celebrating Mass, Confirmations, Baptisms, and Weddings all at Immaculate Conception Church.
I joined the U.S. Army after the attacks of September 11, 2001. I served as an active duty 19D Cavalry Scout. I deployed twice to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004-2005 and from 2009-2010. I was injured in the line of duty in 2010, resulting in paralysis leaving me wheelchair bound. I was medically retired from the U.S. Army in 2011 after serving 8 years.
I am married to the love of my life, Emilie Bisquera Malasig. We have been married for 12 years. We have one awesome son Riley Malasig, who was accepted to attend Damien Memorial School in 2019-2020.
I look forward to working with the parish council in developing and implementing the Pastoral Plan on your behalf.
Normand Robert
Aloha! My name is Normand HJ Robert.
I'm originally from Boston, Massachusetts. After high school I joined the U.S. Navy and was assigned to a Anti-Submarine Warfare Squadron at Barbers Point in late 1979.
While in the Navy, I was fortunate to visit many country's including Japan, Okinawa, Korea, Thailand, and the Philippines, among others. I was medically retired from the Navy after 13 years of service.
I've been married to my wife Sarah for 28 years. We were married here at ICC in 1991. We have 5 children and 10 grandchildren.
We have been parishioners of ICC since 1990. I have served in many ministries at ICC including a RCIA Team Member for the 1st RCIA Class, a Lector, a Eucharistic Minister, Building Committee, Confirmation 1 Teacher, 3rd Grade Sunday School, Acolyte, Usher, and Children's Liturgy Teacher at the 9:30 am Mass.
I look forward to serving on the Pastoral Council with other ICC Parishioners.
Deacon Jonathan Ocampo
Deacon Jonathan Ocampo has been a member of Immaculate Conception Church (ICC) since March 2010, having relocated from Waialua, where he attended Saint Michael's Parish and was a cantor in the choir. Prior to becoming a deacon for ICC, Jonathan and his wife, Miriam, was involved as Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, and Liturgist for Children Liturgy of the Word. He started his journey to become a Deacon in January 2013 and was ordained a Deacon for the Honolulu Diocese on January 19, 2018. With the guidance of Deacon Fred Carahasen, Jr., Jonathan regularly visits the Federal Detention Center to provide communion service to prisoners. Additionally, he and Miriam help serve meals at Institute for Human Services (IHS). He also has been an Oblate for the Benedictine Monastery of Hawaii in Waialua since 2003.
Jonathan grew up in Whittier, California. Shortly after graduating from La Mirada High School in 1980, he joined the Navy and proudly served for twelve years. After boot camp, he completed two years of training in the Naval Nuclear Power Program. After completing his training as a Nuclear Trained Electrician's Mate he was assigned to the USS Skate SSN 578 on Feb. 14, 1983, stationed at Pearl Harbor. He served on three additional submarines, (USS Sargo SSN 583, USS Birmingham SSN 695 and USS Helena SSN 725) and did a tour as a Radiological Monitor/Supervisor at Submarine Base Radiological Controls Division at Pear Harbor. He currently is employed by Hawaiian Electric Company as a Working Foreman for the Control Technicians at the Waiau Power Plant. He has a Bachelors in Business Administration with a specialization in Management from Saint Leo University (Florida) and a Master of Pastoral Theology from Chaminade University (Hawaii). His current interests are in Liberation Theology and Benedictine Spirituality which he plans to share with the congregation in his homilies and Adult Faith Formation classes.
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