Immaculate Conception Church
Ewa, Hawaii
Purpose: Altar servers generally assist the clergy (Bishop, Priest, Deacon) in the Mass
and other Liturgical Celebrations/Rites as needed.
Duties: Altar servers serve as candle bearer, procession cross bearer, book bearer,
incense and thurible bearer, light altar candles, ring altar bells at consecration, wash the hands of the priest or Bishop.
Training: On the job, one-on-one, group. Resource book or manual references
provided. Updating and re-training as needed.
Required: Altar servers (Boys and girls) should have received their first Eucharist and
regularly participate in Mass.
Contact: Immaculate Conception Church Office 808-681-3701.
Purpose: Serving ​God's people with the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus.
Requirements: Baptized and Confirmed Catholics in good standing with the Church;
When: Sunday Mass that meet your schedule. Time Invested: One and a half hours per Mass.
Training: Will be handled in a group or one-on-one.
Skills required: Be able to bring the joy of the Lord, through His Body and Blood.
Contact: Immaculate Conception Church Office: 808-681-3701. Fill out a volunteer form to apply to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Download Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Volunteer form
Purpose: Serving ​God's people with the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus.
Requirements: Baptized and Confirmed Catholics in good standing with the Church;
When: Sunday Mass that meet your schedule. Time Invested: One and a half hours per Mass.
Training: Will be handled in a group or one-on-one.
Skills required: Be able to bring the joy of the Lord, through His Body and Blood.
Contact: Immaculate Conception Church Office: 808-681-3701. Fill out a volunteer form to apply to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Download Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Volunteer form
Purpose: The Sacristan prepares the Eucharistic Environment at Mass.
Requirements: Baptized and Confirmed Catholic in good standing with the
Church, and be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Training: Will be provided.
Duties: When scheduled, arrive about 30 minutes before mass. Secure the list of who is scheduled as Extraordinary Ministers, lectors, servers and ask whether a Deacon will be present. Check the announcement book in the vestry. Check if any events are scheduled, such as a Baptism. If there is a visiting priest check if he has any special instructions.
Setting up for Mass: Determine how many cups, purificators and bowls are needed.
Pour wine into container. Check number of hosts needed and put out that number.
Need to correlate with number of hosts in the Tabernacle. Place the hosts and wine on filing cabinet at the back of church near choir loft door. Check off ministers as they arrive and be sure that they are aware of their stations. You may want to assign an EM to bring ciborium from tabernacle at communion time. Check for ushers, lectors and servers. Make sure candles next to the altar are lit. Have someone ring church bell 5 minutes before Mass (8-10 times). As ushers take an attendance count, you may want to check if you need to add hosts.
After Mass Duties: See that all is cleaned after mass. 7:00 and 9:30 Masses: leave cups and bowls and purificators set for next mass except after the 9:30 & 5:00 Mass put away and store bowls and cups after washing. Extinguish candles. Return intention book to church entrance.
Contact: To volunteer, call Immaculate Conception Church Office: 808-681-3701.
Purpose: Serving God's people by proclaiming the Word of God.
When: On Sundays that meet your schedule and Holy Days of Obligation.
Time Invested: One and a half hours per week.
Training: Will be done one on one, then in a group.
Requirements: Baptized Catholic in good standing with the Church; Able to clearly
deliver readings so they are understood by the faithful.
Contact: Immaculate Conception Church Office: 808-681-3701.
Fill out a volunteer form to apply to become a Minister of the Word (Lector).
Purpose: While the "primary song of the Liturgy" is that which is sung in unison by the entire congregation, the purpose of the music ministry is to "enrich the celebration" of the Liturgy "by adding musical elements." These elements, whether instrumental preludes, the chanting of the verses of the Psalm or a hymn during meditation, can strengthen the faith of our brethren and spread the Word in ways that speaking does not.
What: Instrumentalists and vocalists comprise the music ministry which leads the musical liturgy during Masses for Sunday, Holy Days, and Special Celebrations (weddings, funerals).
Who: Anyone with a willingness to learn, work with others, and commit to attending rehearsals.
Time Invested: Attendance at weekly rehearsal as needed in order to function as an ensemble that works together. Rehearsals are normally 90 minutes with additional time or rehearsals as needed (preparation for Holy Days).
Training: On the job training.
Skills Required: Sing or play instruments for the Lord.
Contact: Immaculate Conception Church Office: 808-681-3701.
Purpose: Ambassadors to Immaculate Conception Parish. Ushers greet the congregation upon arrival, escort parishioners to seats, and accommodate those with special needs. Prepare collection baskets and calabash bowl for offertory collection and follow Diocesan policies for deposit of monies. Assist with orderly Communion procession. Ushers are timely, friendly and demonstrate concern for others.
Contact: To volunteer, call Immaculate Conception Church Office: 808-681-3701.