Immaculate Conception Church
Ewa, Hawaii
The Newman Connection
Student Contact Information Form
Do you know that 80% of students in college stop practicing their faith at some point during their college years? Our Diocese, along with the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry (OYYAM) would like to help prevent this. The Newman Connection is a campus based ministry which helps to keep students connected to their faith! One of the ways is to implement a High School Outreach Program in our parishes and Catholic High Schhols. College students who have been active in campus ministry are more likely to attend Mass and to volunteer for leadership roles once they've graduated.
This year, the OYYAM is asking for high school seniors (and those in college who are not connected) to fill out a student contact card. Please click on the button above. Once completed save as a document and email it to and it will be forwarded for you.