Immaculate Conception Church
Ewa, Hawaii
What is CFC Youth?
CFC Youth is one of the family ministries under the umbrella of Couples for Christ (CFC), which is a worldwide organization, CFC Youth helps spread the good news to youth by creating an environment in the community that is appealing and life-giving. In this organization the youth are taught to be missionaries of the Heavenly Father, as they gather together for a time of positive fun, worship, and praise.
Who can be in CFC Youth?
With the completion of any CFC Youth retreat, this ministry is open to youth ages 13-18 years old. CFC Youth does not discriminate people from learning and experiencing God's magnificent power. CFC Youth is a Catholic organization, but is open to membership by Christians of other denomination. Young adults need not have any specific religious or spiritual background. CFC Youth has open arms to anyone willing to join.
What is a Youth Retreat?
A Youth Retreat is a three-day retreat, usually from Friday to Sunday. Here young adults find a place where they will hear the Word of God spoken by other young adults like themselves in an environment of positive fun and excitement. At the Youth Camp, young adults will create new friendships with each other as they play games, share ideas, experience, and entertain one another in a wholesome environment where Christian values are talked about and are actively practiced.
Learn more about youth events within the Diocese
The Diocese of Honolulu Child & Youth Protection
Contact Ed & Maila Crisostomo through the church office at 681-3701 or by